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Investor Relations

Stock-related Information

  • Business year

    From April 1 through March 31 of the following year

  • Ordinary general meeting of shareholders


  • Record date

    March 31 (Other information is announced in advance when necessary.)

  • Record dates for dividends

    Year-end dividend: March 31

    Interim dividend: September 30

  • Trading unit


  • Total number of shares authorized to be issued


  • Total number of shares issued


  • Number of shareholders

    10,648 (As of June 30, 2024)

  • Securities code


  • Administrator of shareholder registry

    IR Japan, Inc.

    2-5, Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

  • Office of the above administrator

    IR Japan, Inc.

    2-5, Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

  • Contact information for the above administrator

    Transfer Agency Services Department, IR Japan, Inc.

    2-5, Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6026, JAPAN

    TEL: 0120-975-960 (toll free in Japan)

  • Account management institution for special accounts

    IR Japan, Inc.

    2-5, Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

  • Contact information for the above institution

    Transfer Agency Services Department, IR Japan, Inc.

    2-5, Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6026, JAPAN

    TEL: 0120-975-960 (toll free in Japan)

  • Method of public announcements

    Electronic notification

    ( (Japanese only)

    In the event that electronic notification of public announcements is impossible owing to an accident or other unavoidable reason, public announcements will be published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

Shareholder procedures

  1. As a general rule, shareholders who wish to change their address information, issue a request to purchase shares or carry out other procedures shall do so through an account management institution (securities company, etc.) in which they have an account. For details, please inquire at the securities company, etc., with which you have an account. Please note that these procedures cannot be performed by the shareholder register administrator (IR Japan).
  2. For procedures involving shares recorded in special accounts, such as requests for transfers to securities accounts, change of address, name, etc., and designation of the method for dividend receipt, please contact the account management institution for special accounts (IR Japan).
  3. Unpaid dividends will be paid by the shareholder register administrator (IR Japan).