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Human Resources

Basic Approach

The Group believes that the source of its competitiveness is its human resources. It also recognizes that diversifying human resources, developing and securing such human resources, and ensuring their sustainable growth and that of the organization will enhance corporate value over the medium to long term. In line with this recognition, the Group aims to create an environment and a corporate culture that encourage both individuality and diversity.

Human Resource Development and Training System

For human resource development and training, we utilize a system of coeducation in which those who teach and those who are taught grow together, primarily through OJT (on-the-job training).

Types of training

We provide various business training programs, such as new employee training and employee camps.

Regular performance evaluation and feedback process

The Group has implemented a semiannual evaluation cycle in which each employee manages his or her own goals set by himself or herself, a supervisor evaluates the degree of achievement and provides feedback, and the employee himself or herself sets goals to be attained in the next half year under the guidance of the supervisor and works to achieve them.

Appropriate Working Environments and Conditions

The Group prohibits discrimination on the grounds of age, education, gender, nationality, religion, race, sexual orientation, disability, etc., in the recruitment, evaluation and treatment of employees, and has established a personnel system in which promotions and salary increases are considered according to the individual’s ability.

To create comfortable working environments, the Group strives to pay living wages above the minimum wage in accordance with the Labor Standards Act and improve work efficiency, aiming to reduce the amount of overtime work.

Approaches and Initiatives for Diversity

To meet diversifying customer needs, create innovation and respond to impending changes in the external environment, it is essential to secure human resources, including women, with diverse attributes, sensibilities, abilities, values and experiences, and to create an environment that allows all of them to maximize their abilities.

To take advantage of this diversity of attributes and maximize the capabilities of individual human resources, the Group has introduced a flextime system and is actively introducing a telework system for some operations, in order to promote flexible work styles.

Approaches for ensuring diversity, human resource development policies and internal environment improvement policies for ensuring diversity, and their status

Recognizing that the diversification of human resources and the development and securing of such human resources will contribute to enhancing corporate value over the medium to long term, the Group actively recruits women, foreigners and midcareer hires.

Currently, midcareer hires are fully promoted to management positions on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of their skills, experience, etc. However, the Group recognizes that the promotion of women to management positions is still lagging. Therefore, to ensure sustainable corporate growth, the Group will make further efforts to develop its human resources and improve its internal environment, with the aim of raising the ratio of women in management positions, as human resources who will play central roles in the Group in the future.

Voluntary and measurable goals for ensuring diversity and their status

Item Status Goal
Percentage of women in management positions 4.8% Increase the current level
Percentage of foreigners in management positions 4.8% Maintain the current level
Percentage of midcareer hires in management positions 90.5% Maintain the current level

Human resource development policies, internal environment improvement policies and their status

  1. Appointment of human resources with an awareness of ensuring diversity

    The Group has historically conducted its recruitment activities by emphasizing ability and performance, regardless of gender or nationality.

    For the recruitment of women, in accordance with the purpose of the Basic Act for Gender Equal Society, the Group actively conducts recruitment activities and strives to give priority to women in cases where evaluations related to work experience and achievements are equivalent.

    Nevertheless, to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value, the Group believes that it is important to continue to implement recruitment activities that emphasize more diverse viewpoints and values.

  2. Support for career development of female employees

    The following action plans have been formulated and are being implemented to create a comfortable environment in which employees can demonstrate their abilities and achieve a work-life balance.

    • Establishment of an environment where employees can easily take maternity and child-care leave, then return to work
    • Establishment and promotion of a shortened working hour system for employees with children under elementary school age who want to use it
    • Curbing of overtime work to protect employees’ health
  3. Improvement of work-life balance through promotion of diverse work styles

    In addition to extending the eligibility for shorter working hours from employees with children under three years old to employees with children under elementary school age, the new system also allows more flexibility by subdividing the hours of use.

    Besides emergencies such as the coronavirus pandemic, we have also introduced and implemented a telecommuting system that takes into account the varying home circumstances of individual employees, such as nursing care, child care and medical care. Furthermore, we have introduced a flexible work system with reduced core hours, which allows employees to work at their most productive times and according to their physical condition, and to schedule work according to workload, which greatly contributes to improving intellectual productivity and work efficiency.