To meet diversifying customer needs, create innovation and respond to impending changes in the external environment, it is essential to secure human resources, including women, with diverse attributes, sensibilities, abilities, values and experiences, and to create an environment that allows all of them to maximize their abilities.
To take advantage of this diversity of attributes and maximize the capabilities of individual human resources, the Group has introduced a flextime system and is actively introducing a telework system for some operations, in order to promote flexible work styles.
Approaches for ensuring diversity, human resource development policies and internal environment improvement policies for ensuring diversity, and their status
Recognizing that the diversification of human resources and the development and securing of such human resources will contribute to enhancing corporate value over the medium to long term, the Group actively recruits women, foreigners and midcareer hires.
Currently, midcareer hires are fully promoted to management positions on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of their skills, experience, etc. However, the Group recognizes that the promotion of women to management positions is still lagging. Therefore, to ensure sustainable corporate growth, the Group will make further efforts to develop its human resources and improve its internal environment, with the aim of raising the ratio of women in management positions, as human resources who will play central roles in the Group in the future.